Sedation Dentist in Millbrook ON

man smiling after dental treatment with sedation

Dentistry Asleep in Millbrook ON

Looking for a Millbrook dentist that puts you under for dental treatment? Our sedation dentists offer laughing gas and oral conscious sedation to make dental visits comfortable and forgettable.

Dentistry has changed. If you have anxious thoughts about dental visits in decades gone by, rest assured that the focus on patient comfort is a top priority here at Millbrook Village Dental.

Dental anesthetic, as well as dental sedation options are available if you need them.

Comfortable dental care is a call or click away!

How does dental sedation work?

Dental sedation works via multiple pathways in the brain and body.

Nitrous Oxide

In the case of laughing gas, it offers a 3 pronged mechanism to make dental care comfortable:

  • Anxiolytic: This means laughing gas has an anti-anxiety effect induced by increasing activity in certain receptors of the brain.
  • Analgesic: This is a painkiller effect induced by increasing certain pain blockers in the body.
  • Euphoric: This is a euphoric feeling caused by dopamine being released in the brain in response to the nitrous oxide gas being administered.

Which Dental Sedation Option Is Best?

There is no best dental sedation option across the board. Best is determined on a case by case basis and takes into consideration age, overall health, and treatment.

Generally, the least amount of sedation required to complete treatment is best, however in some complex oral surgery or wisdom tooth cases, the best option is in hospital treatment or general anesthesia.

Your dentist at Millbrook Village Dental will help you determine the right course of treatment and sedation for your needs. Contact us now to schedule your personal consultation.

We can’t wait to meet you!

We’re open all day, evenings and weekends to fit your schedule. See you soon.